The current residentially zoned property is surrounded by properties used and zoned industrially.
The Planning Commission conditionally recommended approval to the 121 acre development.
It's the second local franchise for the salon which offers unlimited manis and pedis for $159/month.
Last year, the Atlanta Regional Commission ‘s LCI Program granted $160,000 to the City to fund the Street Study.
Coming to Locust Grove in early-2023, farm will grow local, pesticide-free 'Protected Produce' 365 days a year, regardless of weather conditions.
Rezoning requested to replace the non-conforming mobile home zoning designation lot to allow new single-family housing units.
Last updated in 2017, the plan seeks to shape and guide future City growth, development, and redevelopment efforts.
Space formerly home to Colombian Bites in Kennesaw is now slinging Italian pies.
Additional locations across the Sunbelt Region are expected to be announced in the coming weeks.