Applicant Oakmont Pacolot Acquisitions has submitted a rezoning request to the City of Suwanee in order to change the permitted uses allowed on property located at Old Peachtree Road between Lawrenceville-Suwanee Road and Horizon Drive. Currently, the property is zoned RM-8, limiting property use to townhomes. A rezoning to M-1 is being requested to allow for the construction of a light industrial building.
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The Suwanee Planning Commission recommended conditional approval of the rezoning request during their January 6, 2022, meeting. The City Council will review the request on January 25, 2022.
According to application documents, the 10-acre property is proposed to be developed with a single-story 165,000 square foot office warehouse building with two access points off Old Peachtree Road. One access point would service both tractor-trailer and car traffic, while the second access will only serve car traffic. The building would contain approximately twenty-seven bay doors, thirty-six trailer parking spaces, and 138 surface parking spaces. The building façade will be consistent with the architectural and design standards for industrial districts.
According to the analysis completed by City Planners, the development is located in an industrialized area of Suwanee and Gwinnett County, making the proposed use as an office warehouse consistent with the development surrounding the property. In addition, the 2040 Future Land Use Plan also guides the property for office-industrial, making the proposed use compatible with the Comprehensive Plan.
The applicant states in application materials that the zoning request will not adversely affect the existing use or the usability of adjacent properties because the area already has several industrial uses, and the proposed use would be complementary to what exists in the general vicinity.

