Bobby and June’s Kountry Kitchen Finally Closes After Announcing It’d Shutter in April

Rising water bill flooded chances for staying open, owner says.
Spice House Home Park
Photo: Official

Bobby and June’s Kountry Kitchen served its last meal Nov. 23 after announcing it’d shutter in April 30.

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Husband and wife Bobby and June Crowe opened the restaurant, at 375 14th street NW, in 1979.

Though they’ve stopped serving, Owner Bobby Crowe can still be found at the space moderating an, “Everything must go,” sale.

After trying to sell the restaurant to stay in business, Crowe told us he finally had to pull the plug considering his ever-increasing water bill over the years.

“The restaurant’s water bill went from $200 to $400 to $600 to $1200 to $2400 to $4000.”

Patron Jim Brams, a spokesperson for The Cook’s Warehouse, wrote in saying Bobby announced they’d close in April but kept it going a while longer for his customer’s sake.

This isn’t the end of the road for Crowe, who said he and a friend are looking into starting a small “equipment business.”

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