Tin Drum to open Colony Square location

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Tin Drum’s GA Tech location via Facebook

The Asian cafe’s third Midtown store coming soon.

More restaurants are opening at Colony Square.

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Tin Drum Asian Cafe will take space inside the Midtown shopping complex, at 1197 Peachtree Street, according to the restaurant’s website. This will be the third Midtown location for the Asian cafe. Tin Drum’s two other Midtown locations are at Atlantic Station and the Georgia Institute of Technology.

Tin Drum should open its Colony Square location in the spring, 2012.

The Asian cafe isn’t the only new restaurant coming to the Midtown shopping center. J.R. Crickets is also slated to open there.

Colony Square’s existing dining options include Goldberg’s Deli, Shout, Tamarind Seed, Chick-Fil-A, Leaves & Loaves, Giancarlo’s Pizza & Pasta, Tre Forze’, Jaffa Gate, Moe’s Southwest Grill, Blimpie, Great Wraps and Starbucks, according to the shopping center’s website.

Tin Drum was not immediately available for comment.

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Caleb J. Spivak

Caleb J. Spivak

Caleb J. Spivak

Caleb J. Spivak

17 Responses

  1. Yeah, there is an empty storefront in the food court that says an ‘asian cafe’ is coming soon in 2012. But the space is empty and unready…not sure what the timeline is on it.

  2. I’ve never understood why Colony Square isn’t filled with decent restaurants that cater to more than just the transient office crowd. Unlike most of Atlanta, there is a lot of relatively dense residential within walking distance, and a lot of quality office space nearby as well. I would think that, given the residential/professional mix, there would be enough demand for at least one or two decent restaurants (in addition to Tamarind Seed) to cater to that particular area of the neighborhood.

  3. I think that Colony Square does not draw in people because it is stuck with that 1970’s fortress design that does not invite people in from the street. Perhaps they could work on opening up the street level.

  4. This phrase does not get typed often, but I have to agree with Urbanist. Morningside is right behind there. There’s plenty of condos/apartments nearby. The park is right down the street. There’s plenty of offices. You’d think that’d be a perfect mix for something good to go in where Houlihans was. I’ve been to the Houlihans. Don’t remember if it may be too big for 1 restaurant, but split it up if it is. Or get one of our local chefs to open something there. Kevin Rathbun can fill it up I bet.

  5. @Vernon

    Agreed. That building was modeled after the horrible ideas of Corbusier. Those buildings were never made to be inviting to the public and followed the idea that each building should be its own self sustaining community. The building would require a massive redesign or possible demolition in order to make an inviting streetscape for things that enticed more than just the 9-5 crowd. It would be better if it was something that catered to the community, but the inherent architectural properties of that building will always restrict it.

  6. Vernon is right. The place is basically underground and you can barely see it from street view.

    Not sure much can really fix that.

  7. Remember how uninviting the Arts Center across the street was until they removed all the concrete facade? Now with the glass facing the street it seems a lot more inviting. Perhaps Colony Square can do something like that.

  8. The old Houlihan’s building isn’t underground, and is visible from a heavily trafficked intersection, and has sat vacant for years. Of course, I completely agree that real estate needs to engage with the street (unlike that Mexican joint going in over on Monroe). Is John Kerry a commentator on this site?

  9. I always thought the old Houlihan’s Colony Square location would be the perfect place for an Apple Store if we were to ever get one in midtown. Something cool and artistic looking like the 5th Avenue store (C’mon the High is right there).

  10. Funny someone brought up an Apple store. I was just saying the other day that I think Midtown would be a great location for one—so many business and trendy young professionals living here. Also, we could use a Pinkberry!

  11. An apple store in that space or any space in Midtown is an interesting concept. It’s certainly dense enough, and could be an easy magnet for people that live and work in the area to shop at during their work days vs. driving to Lenox or Perimeter or North Point, parking, dealing with a mall, etc. The aesthetics would be pretty amazing if they put a glass cube inside the atrium of Colony Square, and that type of tenant would naturally draw a new class of people to colony square as shoppers, which would be value add for the rest of the tenants. I have to imagine the foot traffic counts are high enough to justify a store, of course assuming apple wants to expand its presence in Atlanta.

  12. Nice, I have to agree that an APple Store would be the prefect store to go in Colony Square or right within the few blocks of it anyhow. The area has come along quite nicely over the last few years, still has a ways to go though.

  13. What is with you people and the hard-ons you all get for Apple stores? You can buy that crap anywhere now. Apple is no longer special.

  14. I agree that Apple would be a great draw for Midtown. My understanding (and I could be completely off) if that the Midtown Dev District, or some similar organization, will not allow big box stores in the Midtown area to prevent Walmart, Best Buy, etc… Apple is apparently considered a ‘big box’ store, unfortunately!

  15. Pinkberry, Apple? I call that the mall-ing of America or more like the mauling of America.
    Looking at the Houlihans space, if a restaurant, let’s find something interesting and local.
    If it is to be retail, why not work with SCAD to create a great store?

    As for the rest of Colony Square, there does need to be some inviting entrance from P’tree before anything else happens.

  16. I live at Colony Square (Conony House condos) and I agree that there needs to be something welcoming for pedtrestrians to come in. The JR crickets might help on the W side, but they need to lower their signage. The Houlihans space I thought (if big enough) would be a great spot for a trader joes or whole foods. THAT would draw people in for sure!

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