Earlier this month, the Atlanta Zoning Review Board approved plans submitted by Randy Pimsler of Pimsler Hoss and Property owner Melissa Uppelschoten, despite having a recommendation of denial from City Planners.
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As reported by What Now Atlanta in December, revised plans and an adjusted rezoning request to PD-H (Planned Development) for 534 Springside Drive SE were submitted to the City due to strong objections by the Rosedale Heights Neighborhood of Atlanta. The plans indicated the property would be developed with five detached homes and the renovation of the existing house.
Initial plans indicated the construction of two buildings with six residential units in each building and the existing home renovation on the combined 1.145-acre parcel. The newest plan proposed the renovation of the current house, a new four-bedroom, two-story house for college students, and four tiny homes surrounding a central courtyard. The smaller homes, geared towards seniors, are placed towards the rear of the property. The rezoning request is limited to the .916-acre area where the new homes will be constructed.
The application states that the development will positively impact the immediate area and that the new structures will be similar in architectural design to the adjacent homes. Additionally, the applicant made efforts to reduce the visual impact of the parking area by placing it behind the proposed residences.
However, City Planners were concerned that the proposed Planned Development – Housing (PD-H) zoning classification would not complement the single-family residential character of the community and the proposed five (tiny house) units on the property are not compatible in size or scale with the single-family structures in the neighborhood. Thus, they concluded that the development might negatively affect the neighborhood’s character.
According to documents provided by the applicant, Melissa Uppelschoten of Up Atlanta Properties seeks to create innovative, affordable housing opportunities that encourage a mix of intergenerational residents. Inspired by a woman she met while delivering Meals on Wheels as a college student at Georgia Tech, Uppelschoten strives to create a community where relationships between seniors and college-aged students can be fostered.
