Dynamic Dish will close after Thanksgiving

dynamic dish to close the day after thanksgiving ~ what now, atlanta?
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Thanks to you, Atlanta

Dynamic Dish, known nationally for its vegetarian cooking, will close after dinner service on Thanksgiving day.

Bill Addison with Atlanta Magazine confirmed this news on Twitter after speaking with Owner/chef David Sweeney.

Sweeney posted the menu for Thanksgiving at Dish on the front door, which, Addison said he might have to change his “out-of-town plans,” presumably to enjoy that last supper.

If you’ve never been to Dish, the communal tables and BYOB were just a few of the reasons we liked dinning there. And thanks to you, Atlanta, and your unwillingness to step away from the greasy pizza and burgers offered on every corner to branch out to something unique, restaurants like Dish are unable to stay in business.

Here’s Addison’s tweet with a picture of the menu for Thanksgiving:

@BillAddison Nov. 18 3:42 p.m.
David Sweeney confirms: Last meal for @dynamicdish is Thanksgiving day. I may change my out-of-town plans. http://moby.to/onkszj

Dynamic Dish
427 Edgewood Avenue Southeast
Atlanta, GA 30312

Caleb J. Spivak

Caleb J. Spivak

Caleb J. Spivak

Caleb J. Spivak

7 Responses

  1. Dynamic Dish, my favorite place to eat. As a vegetarian it is hard to find great places to eat. Being my favorite place to eat in Atlanta, I hardly ever went why? The price was just way to dynamic.

  2. “And thanks to you, Atlanta, and your unwillingness to step away from the greasy pizza and burgers offered on every corner to branch out to something unique, restaurants like Dish are unable to stay in business.”

    you know, i was really, really excited when DD first opened. i went there once and had a really tasty meal — tasty and expensive. i realize that quality ingredients cost more, but i paid more than i would for most meals and left still a bit hungry. regardless, though it wouldn’t have been an everyday thing, i tried many times to go back, but never did. why? there was never, ever a vegan thing on the menu. ever. i called so many times, only to be told i wouldn’t be able to eat anything without removing half the ingredients.

    you bitterly blame Atlanta; i would put at least some blame on the notion that for food to be high quality or gourmet it must include a cheese you’ve never heard of, or some sort of fancy animal’s milk. it’s a culinary crutch, and it restricts your customer base — particularly in a city with a large vegan population, like Atlanta.

  3. David is “relocating overseas” based on the published for sale ad for the restaurant, so the closing probably has less to do with lack of business, but just David’s personal whim to move overseas.

    Thanks for giving us all who supported you over the past 2 years lots of notice of the closing (nothing on DD’s Facebook, Twitter, website, etc to indicate any closing) so we could come one last time. I didn’t find out until Thanksgiving Day when it was already too late! The only notice given to my knowledge was to a 3rd party who tweeted it.

    Will miss you, but this was handled poorly and really leaves a void.

  4. I’m definitely not vegetarian and I *loved* Dynamic Dish and brought at least five others to try it out. Yeah it was a little on the expensive side, but I feel like good food is worth it. Until we start showing with our dollars that restaurants like DD are important to us and can make it in our neighborhoods, the prices will stay just as high.

    And in response to the vegan who posted, I’m not sure when the last time they called was…but DD had atleast one vegan dish every time I went in. A couple of my friends are vegan…and ate there regularly…so yeah…

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