Something Healthy, a Meal Prep Service, Will Open in Lawrenceville

Something Healthy is a food service catered towards serving macro-controlled meals.
Something Healthy is catered towards serving macro-controlled meals that help with weight loss and gain. It is owned by Jarrett Terry, Founder of JetFitness. Photo: JetFitness

Something Healthy, a new meal prep/food catering service, will open later this year in the city of Lawrenceville. 

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The food truck service which is catered towards serving macro-controlled meals will open at 1685 Old Norcross Rd., according to a filed building permit. Owner Jarrett Terry also confirmed the address and said that the opening will be sometime in the fall or winter 2023.

Terry told What Now Atlanta that Something Healthy will use its meal prep/ catering kitchen to serve only pick-up orders on certain days.

The brick-and-mortar “will also double as a small prep kitchen for other entrepreneurs,” according to Terry. Something Healthy is focused on providing balanced nutritious meals to help with weight loss or gain, according to its website.

Terry, the founder of JetFitness, is a certified NASM Personal Trainer, Fitness Nutrition Specialist, and Chef, according to the JetFitness website.

“I have been working in the food and fitness industry for over six years,” Terry writes on the site. “I have built multiple workout routines and nutrition plans to assist my clients in reaching their fitness goals. I also provide a meal prep service which includes breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Fitness and food are my passion. Fitness, health, and wellness encompass my philosophy of life.”

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