Instanblue Owner To Open Lavash, A Fast Food Joint

Okan Ozyurteri is also planning a Mexican restaurant in the former Buckhead Tavern space.

Okan Ozyurteri is also planning a Mexican restaurant in the former Buckhead Tavern space.

Okan Ozyurteri, the owner of Instanblue, is looking to open Lavash adjacent Texaco at 345 Pharr Road NE in Buckhead.

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This is the second planned eatery for Ozyurteri in 2016.

What Now Atlanta (WNA) earlier this week broke news that Ozyurteri is planning a yet-to-be-named Mexican restaurant in the former Buckhead Tavern space.

Lavash, named for “crisp Middle-Eastern flatbread” (which is on the menu at Istanblue), will be a fast food concept, according to Ozyurteri.

Ozyurteri was unavailable Tuesday to comment further.


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Lavash location via Google Streetview

Do you hope there will be healthy options at Lavash to combat gas station choices? Tell us below…

1 Response

  1. Good luck to them. That location has been disastrous to many a successful restaurant groups.Parking being the main issue. Let’s hope they change that trend.

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