Old Fourth Ward Plans Go To Neighborhood Planning Review

The multifamily project would rise to a maximum height of 70 feet just east of Central Park in Old Fourth Ward, plans show
389 Linden Avenue Rendering
Rendering: Official

The neighborhood planning unit for Old Fourth Ward next Monday night will review plans for a 24-unit apartment project at the southeastern corner of the intersection of Linden Avenue and Hunt Street, according to its meeting agenda.

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The project would replace a single-family residence on a roughly 8,700-square-foot lot at 389 Linden Ave. NE with a new six-story, 70-foot-tall multifamily building, plans show. The applicant and owner behind the project, which would rise just east of Central Park at a site already zoned for multifamily development, is 389 Linden Ave NE LLC, a company led by Reshma Maherali, according to planning documents.

Neighborhood Planning Unit – M’s discussion of the proposal will be about requested variances that include a reduction in the required front-yard setback from 40 feet to 10 feet and a reduction in the required east-yard setback from 23.4 feet to 0 feet, according to its agenda.

The developer’s latest site plan for the Linden Avenue property follows one it proposed earlier this year for a smaller townhome project, according to city records.

Gabriel J. Richard is shown in project plans as the architect for the proposed development.

Plans also call for about 8,270 square feet of usable open space, including on the rooftop, as well as 18 automobile parking spaces.

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Rendering: Official

[Update: This article has been updated with the latest specified plans for 389 Linden Ave. NE to go before NPU-M next week, including for 24 units rather than 25, as was originally reported.}

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