The Finance Committee considered the disposition of the City-owned property, including a 99-year lease agreement and an affordable housing requirement.
The rezones are expected to encourage additional transit-oriented development and provide affordable housing near the Bankhead MARTA Station.
Bankhead Seafood has served take-out food needs for over 50 years, intends to offer dine-in options and a rooftop patio.
Two new wings to the building will provide new educational, training, and conference opportunities.
Paramount developers requested assistance from Invest Atlanta to move the affordable 240-unit multifamily project forward.
Project developers requested assistance from Invest Atlanta to move the affordable 244 unit multi-family project forward.
Grove Park Foundation receives TAD Funds to create affordable single-family homes.
The mixed-use English Avenue Neighborhood development proposed by oaksATL receives $534,000 from Invest Atlanta.
The affordable housing provider is requesting land use approvals to create a mixed-income housing community in the Oakland City neighborhood.
The Housing Opportunity Bond request may assist in the construction of a 45 unit affordable housing structure and site renovations.