Portman Presents Three-Tower 1020 Spring Street Mixed-Use to Midtown Design Review Committee

'Ambitious' project would break ground early-2021, would include a hotel, residential, office, and retail, at site of historic H.M. Patterson & Son-Spring Hill Chapel building.

Midtown’s Development Review Committee (DRC) on Tuesday, May 12 reviewed an “ambitious” new mixed-use development proposed at 1020 Spring Street.

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Portman Holdings and HKS are behind the three-tower project on a 4.1-acre site atop one of the “highest points in Midtown” where the historic H.M. Patterson & Sons Spring Hill Chapel funeral home once operated, first announced at the end of 2019.

Plans call for the tallest of three towers soaring 36-stories and the integration of the funeral home, first built in 1928.

Ground is expected to break in early-2021 but 1020 Spring Street wouldn’t come online until 2025.

Once complete, the mixed-use would include a 325-room hotel, 350 apartments, 700,000 square feet of office, and retail.

The presentation overall “was well received by the DRC, however, the committee identified several issues in need of additional study and further consideration including: streetscape configuration, number of curb-cuts along Spring Street, the setback along the north property line. a pedestrian connection through the site, and façade details.”

An updated presentation is expected within the “coming months” from Portman and HKS at which point the DRC will re-review the proposal ahead of moving 1020 Spring Street forward.

Atlanta-based Cooper Carry is the architect of record for the project.

“At Cooper Carry, we strive to create spaces that connect people to place,” Greg Miller, principal at the global design firm, which is overseeing the design of the residential tower, told What Now Atlanta in a prepared statement.

“To that end, Cooper Carry collaborated with Portman Residential to create a new community designed with Midtown, and its history, in mind. The residential tower at 10th and Spring Street creates a community which activates the existing Midtown corner through dynamic forms and spaces, while also amplifying the opportunities the community has to interact with the residence. The building creates a walkable and pedestrian-scaled retail environment at street level, and steps back from the street revealing direct views to the historic Philip Shutze Patterson Home–an architectural jewel in the heart of Midtown. We also strived to elevate the design of Midtown by wrapping the parking with residential units, providing engaging active-use retail, and creating an iconic tower that highlights the outstanding views of the city and the Patterson Home in a way that is uniquely specific to the project’s location.”

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Rendering: Cooper Carry
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Rendering: Cooper Carry
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