CheeseCaked Creamery and Cafe ‘Put on Pause’ While Owner Undergoes Treatment

Gourmet cheesecake shop is expected to reopen once the owner makes a full recovery.

CheeseCaked Creamery and Cafe, a bakery that specializes in small, personal-sized cheesecakes and piled-on cheesecake milkshakes, has closed and will remain so while owner Shawn Brown undergoes breast cancer treatment, according to the company’s Facebook page.

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Brown initially opened CheeseCaked in Downtown Atlanta at the Mall at Peachtree Center and, in 2016, added a second location in Buckhead, on Morosgo Drive in the Lindbergh area.

In August of 2019, she closed both locations to open a shop on the second floor of The Davis Building at 800 Miami Circle, as well as a kiosk in Lenox Square Mall.

In a Facebook post earlier in December, owner Shawn Brown mulled closing temporarily.

“I will be beginning my weekly chemo treatment Tuesday, December 24 and will continue for five months,” Brown wrote.

“Rest a month, then the surgery, radiation for six weeks, then possibly more chemo…needless to say I won’t be at CheeseCaked but also considering closing until I make a full recovery.”

But on December 28, two Facebook posts signaled that it would be the last day open until further notice.

“CheeseCaked will be put on pause until my recovery and healing,” Brown wrote, and later in a video post reiterated that the bakery will be “put on pause and not closing.”

Brown expressed gratitude for the city-wide personal and brand support and closed the video saying, “I’m only a DM away.”

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