Vine and Tap Abruptly Shutters, Owner Cites Health Issues

The Buckhead restaurant announced the news on Facebook Wednesday.

The Buckhead restaurant announced the news on Facebook Wednesday.

Buckhead’s Vine and Tap is no longer in business, Owner Ian Mendelsohn Wednesday announced on the restaurant’s Facebook page.

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Mendelsohn cited health issues for the sudden closure.

“We regret to inform you that we have closed due to the health of myself and my family,” Mendelsohn said in the social media post.

“It has been a pleasure being part of the Atlanta restaurant community over the last several years. We have made good friends, and even better memories. We will see you all soon. Thank You.”

Vine and Tap first opened its doors February 2014. No word on what would replace the wine-focused concept.

20 Responses

  1. So disturbing to see our small businesses making the hard decision to close permanently.
    Small businesses were the backbone of America, and the big corporations have just eaten them up– now we have a pandemic that further escalates that.
    Dine-in restaurants can’t subsist on take-out and/or a 50% cut in dining capacity– plus 39 other requirements.
    Sadly, I’m certain more closures are to come…

    1. I am in complete agreement, add to that the heartless attitudes I have witnessed from our fellow citizens calling for boycotting restaurants that try to open and follow the guidelines just saddens me.

      1. I live in Midtown and see people crowding restaurant patios and the park every day. I don’t see people protesting that, I see people protesting them opening a Dollar General because they wanted Becky’s Birkin Botique instead, even though a small business couldn’t afford to rent the space. A big part of Midtown’s problem starts with rents being too high because of all the money laundering, its not as extreme as San Francisco but something like 400 restaurants closed there in 2019, before the pandemic. Everyone is paying too much rent, and we send the problem welfare checks. Supply side economics, what fun.

  2. Georgia Grille had been planning to close l-o-n-g before COVID-19 came onto the scene. I was told this by the owner back in late-2019. JSYK.

    1. Hahaha it’s just like the major leftist publications calling everything a covid19 death even though the situation will have been someone skydiving without a parachute.

  3. Believe the Folks restaurant chain is gone. Tucker location for sale at any rate. Not sure on Woodstock or Hiram.

  4. Buffets will definitely be a thing of the past unless they get very creative. I am not touching another spoon that someone else just touched to serve themselves, sorry.

    1. No one that is interested in their health was eating at buffets before. I’m sure it’ll be the same going forward…

  5. This is such a sad article to have to re-read with each update. I hate it for the folks having to make the decisions to close up shop for good.

  6. The Georgian Club is the one that strikes me … kinda viewed that as an ‘esablishment’

  7. Sent comment awhile back regarding closing of Churchill’s in Buckhead and now the Your Pie store as well…

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