Vegan Barbecue Pop-Up Grass VBQ Joint To Get Its Own Brick-and-Mortar

Currently operating out of Orpheus Brewing, Chef/Owner Terry Sargent is growing into a permanent Stone Mountain home, slated to debut on Black Friday.

Grass VBQ Joint, a vegan barbecue restaurant operating out of Orpheus Brewing since February, at 1440 Dutch Valley Place NE, later this year is getting a home of its own. Chef/Owner Terry Sargent launched the restaurant as a pop-up and then opened in the We Suki Suki food stall in East Atlanta Village before going to Orpheus, and now has snagged a permanent brick-and-mortar space for Grass VBQ Joint.

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Sargent is aiming to debut the new Grass VBQ Joint on Black Friday, November 27, 2020, at 5385 Five Forks Trickum Rd SW Suite B-1, the restauranteur Monday told What Now Atlanta in an email. An 80 percent growth in revenue this year sparked the expansion, Sargent on Monday told Atlanta Magazine.

“It’s been our best year,” Sargent said. “When other vegan restaurants around town closed down temporarily or for good, we stayed open. We’re more of a to-go-type restaurant anyway, with no seating inside.”

The menu, which can be viewed here in its entirety, offers options like the Titustown for $13.96, which is a Smoked “Veef” Brisket with Vidalia VBQ Sauce, Celery Slaw, Cured Pickles, and a side of Zapps Chips. Sargent’s Smoked VicRiib Sandwich, priced at $12.96, is a Smoked Riiblet with Vidalia VBQ Sauce, Pickled Onions, Fried Pickles, and a side of Zapps Chips.

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Photo: Official

8 Responses

  1. All this guy does is take concepts that are successful in L.A. and copies them in Atlanta. Nothing original. First it was a knock-off of Pinkberry with Yoforia. Now, a truffle burger? Looks like someone’s been to Umami Burger.

    There are obviously PLENTY of burger options in the Highlands. It’s almost incomprehendable why someone would open another burger place in an area saturated with burgers. How about opening something that the neighborhood really needs? Like an authentic Italian pizza restaurant to replace Everybody’s? Or a casual meat and three? Oh wait, those might require some originality.


  2. *YAWN* – due to the predictable reporting, the predictable comment, and the other predictable comments that will be posted soon… As for the restaurant, will I go? Who knows. Does it upset me that *ANOTHER* burger place is opening? Not in the least.

  3. If I remember correctly, Bocado’s burger is also a blend of brisket, chuck and short rib…at least they have the right formula. We’ll see. I know everyone is tired of the burger craze but I personally don’t mind another burger joint if it’s good.

  4. Only four ounces? Seems awfully small to me.

    Also, Caleb, Subway? I have a hard time picturing you ordering anything there…

  5. Wow, that’s a lot of snark. Restaurants are in the business of serving people food they want–not coming up with original ideas. Go ask the guy at Sheik Burritos-n-Kabobs what it’s like to be a trailblazer.

    I know, I know…if I don’t like the site I don’t have to read it. I DO like the information, but mean-spirited commentary is a cheap substitute for wit.

  6. Dee, if the guy at Sheik Burrito is having business troubles, I feel obligated to let you know its not because he’s a trailblazer, but because his food is bland filler.

  7. How about some marketing on what the community actually needs? Chinese, Mexican, Italian for families. Closed on Sunday…really? Is this a bar that serves hamburgers…no. This is a hamburger place that just happens to sell 20 different kind of beers on tap. Sorry, but I can walk across the street to Family Dog in a much better environment. When I really want a hamburger there are five other places that are much better choices.

  8. Looks like this place closed. A shame… the burgers were tasty and different than the typical further down in the highlands or the over-hyped down at L5P. Don’t really care if it copies LA concepts… I’m Atlanta, not LA.

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