The Spence Shutters In Midtown

Concept from celebrity chef Richard Blais closed for the final time this weekend.

Concept from celebrity chef Richard Blais closed for the final time this weekend.

The Spence, Midtown’s concept from celebrity chef Richard Blais, closed for the final time this weekend, Eater Atlanta reports.

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“The Spence proved to be an exciting concept just as we had hoped,” Concentrics (The Spence’s parent company) founder Bob Amick said in a statement provided to Eater Atlanta. “We weren’t actively looking for buyers, but when we were approached the deal made a lot of sense. We are not at liberty to discuss who the buyers are at this time as it’s still confidential.”

Currently, Concentrics is focusing on three new Atlanta concepts (Nexto and two hotel properties for which details are currently unknown) in addition to “several concepts across the country opening in 2016 to 2018.”

1 Response

  1. Hopefully, they will also implement a no smoking policy for thier employees. Having servers that reak of cigerette smoke makes the dining experience less appealing.

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