Sylvan Hills Lots in Disrepair Proposed to Be Demolished and Redeveloped

If approved, the rezoning will enable three new triplexes near the Oakland City rapid transit station.
Photo: Google Earth Pro

Last month, applicant Pegasus Capital Group LLC submitted plans converting three industrially zoned properties into a cluster of new higher density residential lots. To facilitate this style of development on properties located at 1498, 1500 and 1504 Murphy Avenue, a request to zone the lots to C-1 Community Business would be necessary.

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Neighborhood Planning Unit-X will be reviewing the rezoning request for the .345 acre development that fronts the east side of Murphy Avenue in the Sylvan Hills neighborhood on January 10, 2022. 

According to the application impact analysis, two of the three parcels were developed with houses that are in disrepair, and the third parcel is vacant. Therefore, Pegasus Capital would like to redevelop the site with three triplex buildings on each of the lots. The monthly rent proposed for the nine market-rate dwelling units will be $1,500. The units will consist of three bedrooms, two baths, and will be nearly 1,800 square feet in size.

The site is adjacent to properties currently zoned I-1. In addition, an alley is located along the rear property line, which serves as a boundary between the industrial district and a cluster of residential lots that are zoned R-5 (two-family residential). 

The application further states that the Comprehensive Development Plan’s future land use plan designates certain properties fronting on Murphy Avenue, which includes the proposed lots, with a low-density commercial use, making the proposed plan consistent with permitted uses allowed within the C-1 zoning district. 

The multi-family, higher density redevelopment project is also approximately 1,000 feet south of the Oakland City Rapid Transit Station and near a MARTA bus stop, consistent with City policies promoting higher residential densities near public transit. 

The anticipated project completion of the proposed plan is 2023.

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