Sprint to replace Viewpoint’s Clear Wireless Internet

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Internet provider clears its Midtown space for cell phone company.

Sprint is opening a Midtown location.

The cell phone company will replace Clear Wireless Internet, in its Viewpoint space, according to Anthony Broussard, a contractor on location.

“This time next week, the space will look like a Sprint store,” Broussard told What Now Atlanta on a trip to the space Friday.

Clear removed its belongings Thursday, he said.

The internet service provider was not immediately available for comment.

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4 Responses

  1. I like the interior look and the rendering looks great…if only a single one of the trees in the rendering was actually there in real life! And based on the reality of the sidewalk size and how the current exterior is wrapping up with zero trees planted, I feel confident predicting none of them are in the actual plans.

    1. I must take back my comment. They planted a few trees within the last week and I just did not notice on my daily commute.

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