Sahara Hookah Lounge Owner Looking To Open Atlantis In Piedmont Heights

The Mediterranean grill would replace Room Service Lounge.

The Mediterranean grill would replace Room Service Lounge.

Nana Addaquay, the owner of Sahara Hookah Lounge, could open Atlantis Restaurant, a Mediterranean Grill, later this year.

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“Atlantis will be giving its patrons a chance to taste authentic Mediterranean cuisine, fresh and healthy food whilst creating a warm and relaxing ambiance for all to enjoy,” Addaquay told What Now Atlanta (WNA) in an email Tuesday.

Addaquay is meeting with the Neighborhood Planning Unit (NPU) Tuesday seeking the necessary approvals for Atlantis.

The Mediterranean grill would replace the now-shuttered Room Service Lounge in the Piedmont Heights neighborhood of Atlanta, at 1937 Piedmont Circle, a 4,255-square-foot space.

“I was born in England and spent a lot of time traveling around Europe so I have a passion for this type of cuisine.”

Here’s a sneak peek at the menu:



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