Plans to Demolish Single Family Homes to Construct a Mix of new Single Family and Townhome Units Under Consideration

The redevelopment would require a rezoning to increase the density allowed on the combined 2.32-acre parcel.
Source: Official

Last month, RWS Development LLC submitted plans to the City of Atlanta to develop a mix of single-family and townhome types on five properties located at and around 3537 Roxboro Road NE, known as Eulalia Park. The current zoning designation of the properties is R-3. A rezoning to MR-3 is necessary to convert a combined 2.32-acre parcel into a higher-density residential development.

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Neighborhood Planning Unit B will be reviewing the request during their March 1, 2022, meeting. According to that meeting’s agenda, the Zoning Review Board will review the request on either March 3 or 10, 2022.

According to application documents, the existing properties currently contain five single-family homes with an average value of $460,000 each, which would be demolished upon approval. As proposed, eighteen market-rate dwelling units are proposed. Six units will be single-family homes containing five bedrooms and 4.5 bathrooms with an expected sales price between $1.4 and $1.6 million each. The remaining units would be townhomes containing five bedrooms and 4.5 bathrooms with an expected sales price between $1.3 and $1.5 million.

The letter of intent states that the townhome buildings are internally separated by a 35-foot courtyard, dog park, and preservation of the hardwoods. The applicant also states that the proposed zoning is compatible with the Comprehensive Development Plan, which designates the property as medium-density residential. Additionally, the NPU’s policy provides that the property should be allowed up to eight units per acre.

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Source: Official

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