[Photos] Building Formerly Home To The Sound Table Near Collapse Following Construction Snafu

Crews excavating the adjacent lot seem to have disturbed the old brick building's foundation days before Edgewood Dynasty was suppose to open in the space
Building Formerly Home To The Sound Table Near Calapse Following Construction Snafu Photo 1
Photo: Grant Henry

The Old Fourth Ward building that used to be home to The Sound Table, and soon to be home to Edgewood Dynasty, looks like it could collapse at any moment following a construction snafu. Crews were excavating the adjacent lot in preparation for going vertical on a new midrise when the brick building’s foundation and western wall started to crack, Grant Henry, the owner of nearby Sister Louisa’s Church, tells What Now Atlanta (WNA). Henry was near the site when things went awry.

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“We got a notice to evacuate the 489 Edgewood building and to move all cars,” Henry said Tuesday. “There are probably a dozen or more fire and police vehicles there protecting the buildings and passersby from impending danger. The corner is blocked off. I assume that they will have to secure it today somehow because the foundation and western wall is cracked considerably.” The building, as with many on the strip, could date back to as early as the 1920s. “I left,” Henry said. “I can’t stand to watch it potentially fall.”

Edgewood Dynasty was supposed to open its doors for the first time Thursday, Co-Owner Greg Johnson told WNA in an email Tuesday. “I have staff who quit other jobs to join our team and are now out of work during these very difficult times,” Johnson said. “I lost everything. I am devastated, but we will do everything we can to get through this very unfortunate situation. I am very thankful for the support of the local community as we navigate through this very shocking and unexpected turn of events.”

Almost a year to the day, a similar situation unfolded at the Historic DuPre Excelsior Mill, also in Old Fourth Ward. That building did collapse as part of an effort by developers to preserve the nearly century-old building.


Building Formerly Home To The Sound Table Near Collapse Following Construction Snafu
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Photo: Grant Henry
Building Formerly Home To The Sound Table Near Collapse Following Construction Snafu
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Photo: Grant Henry

10 Responses

  1. nearly decade-old building

    You might be missing a word and/or number.

    Wow, that’s nuts. Wonder what could’ve caused that. Its honestly a wonder the upper floors are still there, as it looks like this wall was supporting them. If the building can be saved I’ll be amazed.

    1. Police report for insurance purposes, enforce/assist with evacuation, close off nearby streets if there is concern for falling debris.

  2. They should have to rebuild the structure as it was instead of just demo it to make way for another cookie-cutter POS apartment/condo development.

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