New Hyundai Dealership is Seeking Rezoning and Annexation Approvals in Marietta

The former Haverty’s furniture store is proposed to be converted into a more prominent Ed Voyles Hyundai and Honda dealership.
Source: Ed Voyles Honda Website

On behalf of the Voyles Family Partnership, applicant Steven T. Ellis submitted plans to the City of Marietta to repurpose an existing commercial building located within unincorporated Cobb County into a new car dealership. A request to rezone 2079 Cobb Parkway South East from General Commercial-County to Community Retail Commercial – City is necessary to complete the redevelopment plans. Additionally, a request to annex the property into the City of Marietta has been submitted.

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The Marietta Planning Commission will be reviewing the rezoning and annexation request during their January 4, 2021, meeting. Unless tabled, the Marietta City Council will hear the recommendations on January 12, 2021. Cobb County has submitted a Notice of Non-Objection of the 2.066-acre parcel to the City of Marietta.

According to the submitted documents, the applicant wishes to annex and rezone the property in order to consolidate the subject property with the neighboring parcel (2103 Cobb Parkway SE), also owned by the Voyles Family Partnership LLLP – and operating as a Honda dealership. The site is currently occupied with a vacant building that was previously used as a Haverty’s furniture store. The existing structure (approximately 39,000 square feet) will be renovated and used as the new Ed Voyles Hyundai dealership with internal drive access between both Voyles lots. Plans submitted with the application show the Hyundai dealership will comprise a showroom, service bays, and office spaces.

City Planners did note in their analysis that depending on the appraised building value vs. the cost of construction, the entire site and building may need to conform to the current zoning ordinance. Once additional site plan information is provided, a determination will be made as to whether future variances will be required to make the site plans consistent with City plans and regulations.

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