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At whatnowatlanta.com

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Interested candidates should email their cover letter, resume, and salary requirements to [email protected]

whatnowatlanta.com (WNA), Atlanta’s leading breaking news source for openings and closings in restaurants, retail, and real estate, is looking for a full time Editor-in-Chief to run the publication’s day-to-day operation.

Responsibilities include digging up news scoop on what’s moving and shaking in Atlanta’s businesses and deciding what’s newsworthy, conducting interviews with business owners, writing and publishing breaking news stories, sharing the news across WNA’s social media network, etc. This position interfaces with The Oxford Center For Entrepreneurs, WNA’s publisher.

Candidates should be curious, enthusiastic, and resourceful, with a sharp sense of humor.

Founded by Caleb J. Spivak in 2010, WNA is consistently named “Best of Atlanta” by Creative Loafing, Atlanta and Jezebel Magazines.



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