Graze Craze, a relatively new charcuterie franchise concept, is gearing up to make its metro Atlanta debut with an outpost located at 2221 Peachtree St, led by local franchisee Luteesa Ford, who hopes to open in early spring.
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“It’s a very exciting adventure,” Ford tells What Now Atlanta. “I’m excited to be opening up a Graze Craze in the Buckhead-Midtown area,” adding, “it will be a pick-up and delivery service, so we will definitely be offering the option to order online and get it delivered at your convenience.”
Graze Craze offers an extensive menu of its signature grazing boards fit for every diet, each with its own adorable name to boot, such as The Gone Grazey, Grazey for Keto, Vegegrazin, and Sweet & Grazey.
There are also seasonal favorites which currently include Valentine’s Day-inspired Indulgence Board and the Game Day Board, as well as grab-and-go options for a light lunch, or the CharCutieCup, “designed as a snack for one on the run.”
The business was founded in 2018 by air force veteran Kerry Sylvester, with the humble mission “to approach everyone connected to Graze Craze with a servant’s heart,” adding on its website, “We are committed to a trusting relationship with our customers based on the perfect execution of design, quality ingredients, and customer service, by meeting our customers’ needs before they even know what those needs are.”
Ford echoes the sentiment, saying, “I think there is definitely a market here in the Atlanta area. I’m just excited to be a part of it and to serve,” the community.