After many months and delays, applicant Toll Southeast LP Co and developer Thrive Residential will finally have their request to rezone a property in Edgewood reviewed during an October 26 Neighborhood Planning Unit Meeting. Members of the NPU will have an opportunity to make a recommendation prior to the project advancing to the November Zoning Review Board (ZRB) meeting.
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As previously reported by What Now Atlanta, the rezoning would change the allowable use from an underutilized lot and vacant 170,000 square foot industrial building to a new mixed high-density residential project, creating nearly 700 units through the construction of an apartment and twenty-three stacked flat/townhome buildings.
According to updated project documents, of the 695 units proposed, 450 units will have monthly rents ranging from $1,650-$3,300, with the remaining 245 units available for private ownership with purchase prices ranging from $200,000 to $575,000. Also requested is an amendment to the Comprehensive Development Plan designating the property to an MR-MU Category from its current Industrial and Low-Density Residential designation.
The MR-MU Comprehensive Development Plan category intends to allow for diverse housing options to improve affordability and renovate vacated buildings and properties near areas of transit options. The rezoning to PD-MU would also fulfill the Edgewood Redevelopment Plan objectives of encouraging multi-family development in the Mayson Avenue location due to the proximity of the Edgewood MARTA Station and other compatible residential and retail uses.
According to the application, the mixed high-density project would incorporate buildings oriented toward the street, porches, ground floor stoops, and parking located on the back or side of the buildings. The construction would also enable stormwater control through the construction of detention measures, resulting in reduced run-off from the site.
The Zoning Review Board will hold a public hearing on the rezoning and amendment request on November 18, 2021.