Cutting Edge Pizza Restaurant Ready for Another Slice of the City

Owner Esau Holmes hopes to open third location in the Covington Place Shopping Center by August
Photo: Official

Esau Holmes began his restaurant career working in a Wendy’s Restaurant and then Pizza Hut before moving up through the ranks to open his own pizza shop. As Director of Operations with GPS Hospitality he once operated 63 restaurants, but now as owner of Cutting Edge Pizza and Wings, he’s ready to open his third location in the city of Atlanta.

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What started at 1955 Cambellton Road Suite B, Holmes told What Now Atlanta that he recently signed a deal to bring a third Cutting Edge Pizza and Wings location to Decatur.

Holmes expects it to open by August.

“I am very excited to open a location in Decatur as the community fits in with my plans to give back to underserved communities,” he said.

When he decided to open his own restaurant, one of the driving forces for Holmes was to look for a restaurant located in Atlanta’s underserved communities.

“I found a location and made a commitment to open a restaurant and develop the entire management team from crew level. This is one idea of giving back and making a difference for people that might not be given the chance to excel and grow,” he says on the website.

Near the Georgetown Food Market in the Covington Place Shopping Center, the location provides easy access from I-285, is in central Dekalb County near Avondale Estates and Decatur.

Cutting Edge launched its second location earlier this year at 556 Northside Dr. SW, suite A, between Adair Park and Mechanicsville neighborhoods.

Holmes started Cutting Edge Pizza and Wings in December 2019 and officially opened in 2020.

2 Responses

  1. This young man Esau Holmes is my Brother-in-law..I am so proud of him words can’t explain!!..Take care of my brother-in-law ATL he is the G.O.A.T…Much success Esau!!..Love Barbara Holmes, Summerville SC

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