Custom Pools of Atlanta Hoping to Make a New Home in Alpharetta

The site requires the approval of two land use requests before the move can take place.
Source: Official

Applicant, Custom Pools of Atlanta, requests a conditional use and variances from the City of Alpharetta to operate a ‘Contractor’s Office with Outside Storage.’  Variances are requested to reduce an undisturbed buffer and landscape strip. The subject property is located at 711 North Main Street at the southwest corner of North Main Street and Henderson Parkway,

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The Alpharetta City Council will be reviewing the land use requests during their February 21, 2022, meeting.

According to the application, the site plan depicts a one-story, 3,000 square foot building fronting North Main Street on a 0.67-acre corner lot. Parking is provided to the side and rear of the building with access to the site from Henderson Parkway. The rear parking area, including six parking spaces, sits at the basement level of the building. The front parking lot, which also has six parking spaces, is situated at the main level of the building. The rear parking lot is partially screened by a drive aisle leading up to the front parking area. The UDC requires one parking space per 250 square feet for office use. The proposed use would require twelve parking spaces, of which the applicant’s site plan meets this requirement.

 A minimum 15’ buffer is provided along the west and south property lines, which is depicted with an eight-foot wood privacy fence. In addition, evergreen plantings are depicted at the corner of North Main Street and Henderson Parkway and along Henderson Parkway to screen the two parking lot areas.

City Planners reviewed the applicant’s proposal considering the review criteria associated with a conditional use and variance and concluded that the proposal would not significantly impact surrounding properties, which are primarily developed with non-residential uses. While the property to the west could be developed for residential use, it is more likely to be developed with a commercial use given its frontage on North Main Street. If approved, conditions are recommended to limit the outside storage area, business activities, and screening of outdoor storage areas from the public right-of-way.

Variance hardships relate to the size of the property, the presence of GDOT easements, and adjacent mixed-use zoning. The applicant’s site plan layout allows for the required landscaping along North Main Street. In addition, the applicant’s proposed buffer and fencing, in combination with existing buffers on adjacent properties, will provide necessary screening.

Custom Pools of Atlanta has been in business for approximately twenty years and provides swimming pool contractor services. The applicant describes the use of the property as a contractor’s office with customers by appointment only. Outside storage is for overnight work trucks and trailers with small machinery. Hours of operation are proposed to be Monday – Saturday, 6:30 AM – 7:00 PM. The applicant anticipates five employees at the start, with up to ten employees in the future.

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Source: Official
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