Ashview Heights Zaxby’s Opens Jan. 13 on MLK Drive

Quick-service chicken joint will host a week of events leading up to Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

SJAC Food Groups, LLC will open its newest Zaxby’s restaurant, at 946 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive, in the Ashview Heights neighborhood of Atlanta on Monday, January 13.

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Construction on the Zaxby’s began in July 2019, with a groundbreaking ceremony that featured Atlanta officials, Zaxby’s executives and Dr. Bernice King, the youngest child of Martin Luther King Jr.

The opening kicks off a week’s worth of events leading up to MLK Day including community and teacher appreciation days, a live radio remote, and a block party.

“We’re pleased to support this community and provide job opportunities for residents,” Sterling Coleman, president and CEO of SJAC, said in a press release Friday.

“I grew up in a neighborhood just like this one, and it’s critical to show children who look like me that they can do whatever they put their minds to regardless of their beginnings and circumstances.”

Coleman has been a Zaxby’s licensee for more than 16 years.

The new restaurant, the ninth in Atlanta, is expected to provide about 75 jobs in the community.

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