Asana Partners’ Krog District Expansion Moving Forward

Plans include a new breezeway within the Atlanta Stove Works property to supplement its BeltLine-facing retail spaces
Krog District Rendering(1)
Rendering: ASD | SKY | A planned three-story commercial building in The Krog District

Asana Partners expects to start construction later this year on a pair of office and retail buildings in an expansion of its Inman Park mixed-use development, The Krog District, it announced earlier this month.

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Plans call for a four-story building next to Krog Street Market consisting of 28,000 square feet of office space and ground-level retail and one three-story, 31,000-square-foot retail and office building at the corner of Lake Avenue and Krog Street, according to the company’s announcement. The developer said it hopes to finish the project by the summer of 2022.

Based in Charlotte, Asana Partners acquired an assemblage of properties that make up what it has named The Krog District in 2018. Along with ground-up construction next to Krog Street Market, its plans include the redevelopment of the Atlanta Stove Works commercial property across Krog Street. The site as a whole sits along the Atlanta BeltLine Eastside Trail.

“Since purchasing historic Krog Street Market and Atlanta Stove Works several years ago, we’ve envisioned a more complete and connected experience for The Krog District,” Asana Partners Managing Director Seth Black said in a statement this month.

“We’re excited to take the next step, providing visitors a curated selection of shopping, dining, and service destinations as well as additional office space – all with a more cohesive layout and improved connectivity to the BeltLine.”

The incoming four-story building will be built with a 186-space parking garage and pocket park, while the three-story building will offer direct access to the BeltLine Trail. Redevelopment work for the Stove Works property is set to include motor court improvements and a breezeway connecting Krog Street to the BeltLine Trail, plans show.

SRS Real Estate Partners and Capital Real Estate Group have been tasked at The Krog District with leading retail and office leasing, respectively.

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Rendering: ASD | SKY | The four-story office building with ground-floor retail planned for The Krog District
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Rendering: ASD | SKY | The three-story retail building with third-floor office space planned for The Krog District
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Rendering: ASD | SKY | The planned three-story Krog District building.
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Rendering: ASD | SKY | Stove Works breezeway rendering
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Rendering: ASD | SKY | Stove Works breezeway
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Rendering: ASD | SKY | Stove Works redevelopment

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